Monday, March 30, 2009

You Know You Have Brothers When…

You really like playing with Darth Vader.

031 Incidentally, what is it with boys and Star Wars?  Our guys LOVE Star Wars.  I’m talking about the older ones, not the new cheesy ones.  It’s become a hair cutting tradition now to watch a bit of a Star Wars movie, which started as an attempt to keep them still during said hair cutting.  It works, by the way.

Speaking of brothers…


They wanted to pose in their red shirts.  This is another one of those pictures to remind us of the happy times when things aren’t so happy between them.


ps-sorry for such a long absence.  We were all sick for a while, I had tonsillitis twice, and as usual, we’ve been very busy.  I will post an update soon about what’s next for us after graduation in May.  Until then…