Warren the Singer
He's available to rent for parties and weddings-just call for pricing.
Just the six of us
He's available to rent for parties and weddings-just call for pricing.
Brought to you by
10:13 AM
Last weekend we went to Ryan's parent's home for the annual Christmas cookie decorating party. Dennis and Cathi and the Rutherford family have been getting together every year for the past I don't know how many years, probably since they were all in college, to decorate cookies, and at Easter time, to decorate eggs. It's quite a production now with the expansion of the families (our family alone is now 11, and the Rutherford's this year were 8), but it is a fun time to catch up and eat (decorate) some yummy cookies. I only got 1 picture this year, I was too busy frosting!
Brought to you by
10:02 AM
Hi all-
Al Mohler has a great review of the movie The Golden Compass and why we should be concerned as Christians about the message of the movie. You can read it on his blog here.
Brought to you by
10:13 AM
Our little guy, our firstborn, is 3! His birthday was on Friday, and he had a blast turning a year older.
On Friday, he got presents from us and lots of balloons, which he and Warren loved. All the helium is gone now, but the boys are still playing with them, seeing what it takes to pop them (and torture mom). Warren's favorite method is biting.
Brought to you by
2:28 PM
Before we left for my parent's, we had a little get-together with Ryan's fam. The kids made hats and actually kept them on for pictures. I guess Warren really likes his because he wore it to breakfast this morning.
Brought to you by
1:48 PM
Good thing we already took our Christmas pictures...
Brought to you by
1:44 PM
While gazing up at the sky the other day, Jake commented, "Look at all those birds, they're in a pile!"
Brought to you by
9:44 AM
So I went yesterday for what I thought was just my registration appointment where I fill out all the paperwork, write my name and address a thousand times, decline all the genetics testing, affirm that my husband is the father (they really do ask that), and so on and so forth. And yes, I did do all of that, as well as let them take several vials of blood from me, but something new that Kaiser just implemented is performing an ultrasound at this appointment as well! I was pretty excited about this; I always am at the chance to see baby's heartbeat and wiggles on the monitor. Not so many wiggles this time, but a definite heartbeat. And only one baby too. I had thought perhaps that this might be a multiples pregnancy because of the way my body is expanding so rapidly so early on, but several people have told me that it's ok. This is my third after all, my tummy muscles aren't what they used to be, and I'm several years older than I was with my first. So who cares that I'm only 9 weeks and having to break out the ol' maternity jeans? (Me, a little, but I'll get over it.) I won't bore you all with a fuzzy ultrasound picture of what appears to be a peanut in my uterus, but I just wanted to share the rest.
I think that I am already starting to feel better. I don't want to say anything too early lest it not be true, but yesterday I ate breakfast and a huge lunch all without wanting to gag! Ryan's mom took us out to lunch for our usual Wednesday lunch date and after practically gorging myself because it felt so good to have a full belly, I felt great. So far this morning I've been ok too, so we will see.
We leave Saturday for the trek to my parents to spend the week there to celebrate Thanksgiving and Jake's 3rd birthday. It will be nice to get away for a while and maybe have to wear a jacket. It's much cooler up there than our recent 80's and 90's. Crazy fall weather.
Happy Thursday everyone.
Brought to you by
9:18 AM
Warren's new favorite word is "no." He uses it all the time, even when he means to say yes! If we ask him any question he answers in the negative. Here's a cute example:
Brought to you by
3:22 PM
Hello to everyone.
My sister reminded me that it was about time to do another entry because it's been 2 weeks since my last post! Thanks sis, and here goes.
Even though this happened weeks ago, many of you may not know that the church in Kansas decided not to hire Ryan after all. As you might expect, because of our excitement and enthusiasm about moving to Kansas, we were quite disappointed and shocked. At first. We had, after all, already planned our lives in Emporia. In our minds, we were there. This was a done deal, no question about it. In hindsight though, we got ahead of God's plan for us. Sure, we prayed that His will be done and we only wanted to be where He wanted us, but we were convinced Kansas was where He wanted us! We are so very thankful for the time we did spend out there and for the friends that we gained and the lessons learned.
Many of you ladies who suffer(ed) from morning (all-day) sickness during pregnancy may be thrilled to know that I, the one who skated through 2 blissfully un-sick pregnancies, am now finding myself wanting to run to the bathroom any time food nears the vicinity of my mouth. I have to eat though, because my insatiable hunger, if it goes for too long, makes my want to curl up in the fetal position and die. So I choke down as much food as possible at a sitting and hope it stays down. I also cannot brush my teeth without gagging at some point during the necessary ritual. Must be a girl this time because everything's so different, right? I know this may be TMI for some of you, but hey, pregnant women love to tell their stories!What else...oh yes, my parents came for a visit a couple of weekends ago. We had a super time as usual, and also as usual, the time went way too quickly. My mom brought Warren back the quilt she made him and by his reaction, it was the coolest thing he had ever seen. By far. We laid it out on the carpet and he squealed with excitement and walked all over it. Pretty cute. My dad is known as the Candy Grandpa because he spoils these guys with it, and he was true to his name again. He also brought
Jake a cool new semi-truck which Jake loves, but you'd never know it by the picture.
Lest you think by these pictures that my boys never smile, here's a great one of Jake playing outside a couple of days ago.
This morning after Ryan got home from school we went to the park and let the boys play for a good long time. They had lots of fun.
On a super-exciting note: Ryan registered for his last class in seminary! Woo-hooo! Party time! What a great time it has been for us to be here, but we are eager to move on to the next step. We can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for us.
That's about it for now. I hope you all are doing well and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Brought to you by
3:25 PM
I keep getting asked that so I better address it.
Sometime in mid-June. I'll refrain from giving a specific date this time around even after I go to the doctor and get an official one because it's always wrong! Except if you're one of the 5% of women who actually deliver on their due date, and in their cases it was a fluke anyway because the doctors just don't know! My due dates for the past 2 babies were way off. I was late 6 days with number 1 and 8 days late with number 2, and would probably have gone way longer than 8 days if they had not induced and subsequently done an emergency C. So. Let's just say that sometime in June, possibly around the middle or middle-end of the month we are going to add a newbie to the mix.
There ya go.
Brought to you by
5:03 PM
If the shirts are hard to read:
Jake's says "I'm the biggest brother"
Warren's says "I'm the middle brother"
Brought to you by
4:06 PM
Brought to you by
3:20 PM
So I was in my bedroom folding laundry yesterday and the boys were out playing in the family room. I noticed that it had gotten really quiet all of a sudden, but instead of rushing out to see what they had broken or gotten into, I decided to let them work it out and come tell me if they needed anything. Another minute goes by and I see Jake walking towards my room towing Warren by his feet! I had just enough time to run and get the camera and capture a short video. I love it that they are starting to play with each other now, just warms the heart!
Brought to you by
9:06 AM
Warren sitting on the cow chair.
Brought to you by
8:48 AM
Brought to you by
5:14 PM
After 3 great days in Kansas, we made it back. The trip was everything we hoped it would be, and more. Thank you to everyone who prayed for us this weekend and for safety in travel; we saw the goodness of God through the whole weekend. There is far too much that happened to write about here, but I'll summarize:
We had a pleasant plane ride early Friday morning. The boys were very good and Jake was thrilled at his first time on a plane! Pastor Dave picked us up from the airport and took us back to his house where we relaxed and played all afternoon until 6:30 when we went to John & Maria Wernli's home for some delicious barbecue brisket and lots of other goodies. At the dinner we met the elders of the church and their wives. John's brother, Dave, who is on the
board of elders, has an ATV and gave all the kids rides around the property. It was the highlight of the evening for Jake. Well, except maybe for running around after the chickens, he liked that too!
On Saturday Ryan and I spent time with each elder. In the morning we had breakfast at George and Rose's home for Ryan's favorite, biscuits and gravy. George then drove us around Emporia and gave us the grand tour. It is a very nice little town and Ryan and I could definitely see ourselves living there. We then went to lunch at Barry and Joy's house with the boys. They have a playroom and goats (who were outside and not in the playroom), so it was great bringing the boys. We had a very pleasant time with them talking about what Ryan's position would be at church and different ideas about the ministry. After lunch, we took the boys back to Pastor Dave's house where we were staying so they could take a nap because Dave Wernli was picking us up to drive us around the Flint Hills. It was a great time of sightseeing and talking about, well, everything with Dave. He showed us around his family property and farm house and taught us about silage, which is what they feed their cattle. While very different from the California landscape, Emporia and the Flint Hills possess their own beauty, and I very much enjoyed seeing them.
Sunday morning Ryan and I met with the Jr. and Sr. High group for a little get-to-know-us time. Ryan then preached during the service (very well I thought!) and we went out to lunch with John Wernli, his son, and his sister and family at a great Mexican place. Warren couldn't stand not being the center of attention, so as a grand finale he threw a big glass plate off the table. Good times.
Brought to you by
3:48 PM
Labels: Kansas
"Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow, you're only a day away!"
Tomorrow's the day folks! We leave early a.m. for our trip to Kansas. We have to be out of the house by 5 a.m. to be at Ryan's mom's by 5:30 so she can get us to the airport by 6. Yikes! We are all so eager to see what the Lord will do on this trip, and Jake is very excited about the plane ride and getting to play with the chickens at John & Maria Wernli's home! Our plans have been changed slightly, as we are now staying with the pastor and his family (the Hintz's) instead of the Wernli's because Maria ruptured her Achilles tendon and is, understandably, not able to have the 4 of us romping around her house. This works out great though, because Dave and Becky Hintz have 3 kids, 2 of which are our boys' exact ages. So they will have lots of fun playing together.
I can't wait to tell you all about it, we return Monday night, so I'll hopefully be able to write something here Tuesday. Have a great weekend, check out Mike Huckabee, talk to everyone soon!
Brought to you by
9:16 AM
In case you missed the debate on Monday night (I know, you're probably saying, "What debate?"), here is a great clip from Mike Huckabee. It was the Values Voters Debate where Huckabee won with 63% of the vote. Amazing. Huckabee has the momentum and all he needs is for all of us to keep spreading the word. He mentions in this clip that the presidency should not be about who has the most money, and he's right. It should be about who will make the best President. Watch this short clip and let me know what you think about him.
Also, check out One Mom's blog, she is a large part of the grassroots campaign to elect Gov. Huckabee for President.
Brought to you by
9:08 AM
Warren sure is taking his sweet time walking! It's very fun watching him wobble around and learn how to walk. For your viewing enjoyment:
Brought to you by
11:48 AM
Hi folks,
If you haven't already done so, I encourage you all to take a look at Mike Huckabee's web site. I know many of you may have already made up your mind about your candidate for the presidential election in 2008, but it's worth giving other candidates a shot. Huckabee was formerly a Baptist Minister and his concern for the country and the issues we face is genuine. He is right on with the issues and knows that as President, he is a servant to the country, not the other way around. If you like what he has to say, please pass the word on to people you know about him. Let's get his name out there!
Brought to you by
11:25 AM
Labels: huckabee
I can't wait to move! Doesn't matter if it's Kansas, Italy, Alaska, or Castro Valley, I'm just itching to get out of this house, neighborhood, city! I really have enjoyed living here, there are so many positive things about this place: we have a large fenced yard for the boys to play in; there is Anabelle, Jake's age, for a companion; we are close to Ryan's family (which is great for a variety of reasons--free babysitting, grandparents close by, a cool air-conditioned home when it is 100 degrees here, etc.); the rent is very reasonable; I have a very large kitchen and ample storage space for the size of the apartment; it's a very cute little place; and not the least of which is that we've seen our boys grow and learn here, which is what will make living anywhere special I suppose.
But, this place is noisy! The infernal birds come twice a day and either wake us up, or keep us up at night. The home is really old and most of the windows don't close properly so dust and noise can freely enter. From outward appearances this is a nice, quiet, peaceful street, but make two right turns and you're on the major street that runs through Arcadia and Temple City, so we've got lots of through traffic near us. AND, the tree cutters were here this morning chopping down a tree in our yard at 7 a.m. Of course we were awake (actually Ryan was at work already) but it's the principle of the thing! I long for a nice, quiet home away from the big city.
I know that all those things really don't matter much, I think what's really going on is that we are just ready for the next step. Our time here is coming to a close and we want to move on. We go to Kansas on Friday and it's been hard waiting to see what will happen!
So there you have it, I'm ready to go!
Brought to you by
9:55 AM
We went to the beach again last Sunday with Ryan's family for a little BBQ. We all had fun, especially Jake and his cousin Hannah, who always have a great time together playing, and this time they got to play in the ocean! It's so cute seeing all the cousins together and now Jaina is starting to get interested in the big kids too. She loved Warren and was giggling and talking to him as they sat in their car seats together. I didn't take many pictures, just some cute ones of Jaina and Warren. Jaina is becoming a beautiful little girl, I love this picture of her.
As usual, we had to strap Warren down while we ate, or else he would have been all over the place getting sand in everything. Thank goodness for car seats that double as a restraining seat. After we ate, he was entertained for a long time climbing (and falling) all over the seat.
Brought to you by
9:37 AM
The boys are in the habit of bringing their pillows out in the morning and playing with them on the couch. It's awfully cute because they usually exchange pillows and just play together for a little while.
Brought to you by
9:11 AM
Could we with ink the ocean fill,