Wednesday, October 17, 2007

When's That Baby Due?

I keep getting asked that so I better address it.

Sometime in mid-June. I'll refrain from giving a specific date this time around even after I go to the doctor and get an official one because it's always wrong! Except if you're one of the 5% of women who actually deliver on their due date, and in their cases it was a fluke anyway because the doctors just don't know! My due dates for the past 2 babies were way off. I was late 6 days with number 1 and 8 days late with number 2, and would probably have gone way longer than 8 days if they had not induced and subsequently done an emergency C. So. Let's just say that sometime in June, possibly around the middle or middle-end of the month we are going to add a newbie to the mix.

There ya go.


G&S said...

I'm praying for a baby girl :).


Jamielynn said...

HOW exciting!!! I just found this out. I love the shirts the boys are wearing...way to cute. How are you guys doing?