Friday, February 22, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Toe Picker & Haircuts
So recently Warren has become a toe picker. For sock fuzz. He has quite the obsession going and never goes for long without looking between his toes for some fuzz. He especially likes to do it in the car, taking his shoes and socks off before we get somewhere, so that we have to put them back on before we get out of the car! At home he twists and contorts his body however necessary to get at that fuzz. It is one of the funniest things I have ever seen either of our children do. An example:
He is also fond of putting fuzz (or bobby pins, or whatever small things he finds on the floor) in between his toes and then pulling it out again. Quite the character.
It was haircut day last week...or was that 2 weeks ago already? I can't remember. I took this picture off of our balcony. Warren got his next.
I guess we'll have to figure something else out for the girl. She probably won't want a buzzed head.
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4:41 PM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Still Here
Greetings long lost ones...
I know I said I'd do better at posting, but the last couple of weeks have been brutal. It's been a sick house around here with no time or inclination to turn on the computer and post pictures that I haven't taken. We all came down with terrible colds that seemed to last forever. I ended up with an ear infection requiring a trip to urgent care because I thought my head would explode. After a round of antibiotics I am pleased to say that my ear infection (and sinus infection that developed later) are cleared and I feel much better. The only remnants of our illnesses are a few sniffles and the remaining Kleenex boxes around the house. As my husband reminded me, our sicknesses should always highlight our frailty and fallen human condition and dependence on our Lord. But still, it really really stinks feeling icky!
Hope you all are doing well out there. My belly is growing, I'll have Ryan take a picture soon. The boys are doing great, Jake's so excited about a sister that he really thinks we should name Fred. Never mind that it's a boy's name, he thinks it's perfect.
Good night!
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9:25 PM
Saturday, February 2, 2008
The Narrowing of the Gender Gap
Even though ultrasound pictures are fuzzy and usually don't mean anything except to the parents, I thought I'd share a picture with you of our baby GIRL!
I was totally shocked when the ultrasound technician said girl! Statistically our chances were extremely high for another boy, so I guess that's what I was expecting. Ryan had a great explanation for it though. He said it's like when the weatherman tells you there is a 75% chance of rain and of course it doesn't rain. Well, a nurse friend once told me that when you have 2 children of the same sex, you have a 75% chance of having a 3rd of the same, and of course this time it's a girl.
We're thrilled though, and we know that this girl will be one tough cookie growing up with her brothers, and perhaps the best part of all is that her brothers will scare away all the boys that come looking for her! Can't wait to meet you baby girl!
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9:32 AM
Some Updates
Sorry for my absense from the blogosphere lately...been busy. January was a packed month with birthdays (mine and Ryan's dad's), doctor's appointments, snow trips, Ryan starting school, watching my niece a couple of days a week, and other miscellaneous goings-on. Let's dive in with some pictures and updates!
Snow Day
Early in January we took the boys for a quick day trip to Mountain High Snow Resort to play in the snow. We found a little turn-off right off the highway where there was lots of fresh powder and hills to play on. In short, Jake loved it and Warren hated it! After all the recent storms here, we'd like to take Jake back (minus the littlest guy) and let him play again.
This is about how much fun Warren had
Quick Trip
Before Ryan started school (which I will talk about in a minute) we took a quick, last minute trip up to my parent's house because we knew it would be a while before we saw them again. We had a great time, but as usual, it was too short of a visit. One of the days we drove over to Half Moon Bay to enjoy the sun and ocean.
Sacked out on the couch after a long day
School/Church Update
As many of you know, Ryan finishes up with his Master's of Divinity degree this May. We have been in contact with a couple of churches talking about possible positions, but as of right now, the Lord has closed both doors. So, we have decided after much prayer and discussion with family and professors at school that Ryan will stay on another year and pursue the Master's of Theology degree with an emphasis in Bible Exposition (sounds so fancy!). He has already begun classes for that and is loving it. He'll finish up the program next May (2009), so as for now, we're here at least another year. We decided that if this is something he really wants to do, now is the time. We are both very excited to be staying at Grace Church for a while longer, learning as much as possible. We've started new ministries on Sunday mornings too. I'm helping out in the Children's Sunday School Resource Room and Ryan is serving in Special Ministries (for mentally handicapped). We love our new areas of service and are so thankful for our church where there are these opportunities. While I'm on the subject of church, I'll just mention that we've begun to take Jake with us to "big" church for 1st service, then he goes to his class for 2nd service. So far so good, he brings his Bible and sings with us and "takes notes" during the sermon. He really enjoys it and looks forward to going. What better way is there for a child to learn to worship than by watching his parents? We've both loved watching Jake grow in his love for and knowledge of God.
Here are just some goofy pictures of the cute little boys.
This is Jaina, our niece (9 months). I've been watching her a couple of days a week this month, and the boys love her! We've had lots of fun with her around.
That's about all for now...I will try to do better at posting in the future!
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8:40 AM