Wednesday, February 11, 2009


In case you’re wondering what’s in the economic “stimulus” bill, check out this article.  First, move any and all items away from your computer that can be thrown, because that will be your first instinct while reading said article.

I think when Ryan gets home this evening we’ll have a little talky-talk about not even looking for a job after seminary because we’ll be just fine living off of WIC and Food Stamps with all the money allocated to each of those “programs.”  Why work when the government can support you?  Ok, perhaps that was a bit of a pessimistic outlook, but read the article and then tell me what you think.

Happy Wednesday!!


Shaun and Melisa said...

You crack me up!!! I couldn't agree more!!! Might as well stay at home and do nothing right?
I had one friend as me if she was getting a stimulus check again with Obama's plan...of course she voted for him! I responded with..."now you see the difference between Republicans and Democrats, Republicans sent you a check so you can spend it how you see fit, Democrats take that check and spend it for you...."
Pretty pathetic!

Jessica said...
