Friday, August 22, 2008

So You Know

Dear Friends,

I write today with a heavy heart and a zeal that I have not felt in a long time. Many of you may know that I am quite passionate about politics and try to stay as informed as possible; not always easy with three little munchkins (or crumb-crunchers, as Rush Limbaugh likes to say) running underfoot, or in Aubrey's case just hanging around. Nevertheless, I consider myself pretty up to date and informed about current events, and most recently the Presidential election, and consider it my duty as a Christian and an American to vote for and support issues that protect and provide for the best possible life for my fellow human being. The foundation behind my thinking is the instruction the Lord gave His own to love our neighbor as ourselves.

You may remember from posts of old that I was a major Huckabee supporter, so you can assume correctly that I'm not a huge McCain fan, though compared to his Democrat counterpart, he's practically a saint, and I will do whatever I can (however small) to see him elected to the highest office in the land.

Ryan and I came across a video that was linked from Tim Challies' blog discussing Senator Obama's stance on a bill called the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. This bill is exactly what it sounds like: it would protect babies born alive who had survived a failed abortion. The bill came up for several votes between 2001 and 2003 when Senator Obama was in the Illinois State Senate. The first time he voted "Present" (no backbone? uninformed perhaps? both of which are inexcusable) and the next two times he voted AGAINST it, citing as his reason that the wording did not provide for protection of Roe v. Wade. Now, I don't care if he came up with the most brilliant and eloquent reason in the world for voting against this bill, the fact remains he supports infanticide.

When an identical bill came up for a vote in our U.S. State Senate in 2004 (I believe that's the year, I could be wrong about that), it passed unanimously, meaning extremely liberal senators such as Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, and our very own Barbara Boxer voted in favor of saving the lives of babies born of a failed abortion. My first thought was even though they are liberal in their policy making, they're still human beings, and what human being would be in favor of allowing an innocent baby to die on the floor of a dirty linens closet? Well, I can think of one, and all because the "wording" of the bill did not allow for protection of Roe v. Wade.

I am attaching the video that we saw with some caveats from the website where it came from. I need to add nothing more about the video, other than that I cried most of the way through it. When I watched it, I was nursing my own sweet baby and thinking of those that did not get a chance to be loved by a mother. (Side note: as a believer in Jesus Christ, I am confident that every single baby who dies does indeed go to heaven and the eternal reward and glory of being in the Lord's presence more than makes up for the suffering they experienced on earth.) Please do not let my weeping deter you, unless you really think you can't handle it, because the truth about this issue and Senator Obama's stance needs to be made known.

Here are the caveats and video:
1. There is a dramatization of a baby being left to die. It’s not real, nor is it a gruesome depiction. But it is disturbing nonetheless.
2. There are some other personalities featured in this video, and I do not want readers to think that my posting this video means I endorse them. I’m thinking in particular of Alan Keyes.
3. I don’t know anything about the group that produced this video. The only reason I’m posting it is so that you can see and hear the testimony of Jill Stanek, who testified before congress with the stories you are about to hear. Her message is not for the faint of heart, but that is all the more reason that you should hear it.

So remember, the next time you feel yourself getting caught up in the ObamaMania and are all excited about the "change" he's going to bring to the country, ask yourself if you really want a president, who has the power to either veto or sign into law, who supports such evil as this. And don't even let me get started on his position on taxes.


Anonymous said...

Good Job,
I Love you,

Katrinka Yobotz said...

Hi Jen,

Please join us in our new grassroots political party, that is going to be more than just a party, and will last far beyond this election. It has grown out of our love for God, family and country, especially the right to life of ALL human beings, born and preborn. If you read the platform, you'll also see we want to abolish the IRS to implement lower and non-invasive forms of taxation; protect our borders and stop illegal immigration (no amnesty); protect the Constitution, and more.

Our current politicians are no longer public servants. We serve them instead, and they're ruining America.

It's time to start over.

Lauren said...
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Lauren said...

Hey Jen,
I was just talking to my husband about this a few minutes ago; I just saw the video/read the background myself yesterday. What a tragic, tragic thing. How much more can our society spit in God's face, to try to abort a living child, and then essentially kill it by inaction when it survives an attempted murder? Matthew's working in the NICU this month, and, as he says, there isn't much you can do for a 21-weeker, but it's disrespectful to what God says of the sanctity of life to not even try; after all, God is the author and finisher of life, and He is still in the miracle business. Thanks for passing the word along - the more I learn about Obama, the more uneasy I become about the very real possibility of facing the next 4 years with him at the helm.

(ps - that was my deleted comment, I accidentally published before I finished. :o)

Shaun and Melisa said...

Jen, I am so proud of you! I know that sounds weird, but I was reading about this and watching Fox News report on this bill. Hearing Obama talk about his position literally made me sick. You know I believe that God has a plan for this country and we both feel strongly that he couldn't possibly want Barack in the plan, but we can make the difference by sharing opinions and talking to others about it.
Nice job!