Saturday, September 27, 2008

Saturday Musings

Hello everyone, and especially to those 6 who officially follow my blog, 2 of whom I've never even met, you make me feel so special! They would be Lindsay, from whom I receive many yummy recipes (the Italian Chicken was delicious!) and "met" through Kyle and Steph Sanderson, and my sister's friend Lauren who lives in Georgia and amuses me with hilarious insights and stories about childrearing. Amazing how the internet brings us together!

Anyway, this last week was a great one, other than that icky Indian Summer heat wave. We had Master's Kids, Ryan's birthday, Baby Gym at church, and a family dinner for Ryan's birthday on Friday. And of course, the usual fun with three little munchkins around. Here's a recap in pics.

Look at that cute little face so excited about his crafts at Master's Kids!

The birthday boy (29!) with the kidlets.


Warren thought it was hiiiilarious to put his cars on Aubrey's bouncy seat. And I don't want to hear any guff about her ginormous bow's cute.

I chose modesty over the cuter picture here (which you're probably thankful for), but after baths in the Trzeciak house there is nothing more fun than naked ducky superman time.

And last, but certainly not least, my cute little sleeping baby. No joke people, we put her to bed (and down for naps) swaddled and on her back. This is how we find her every time she wakes up! Look at how her hands are folded! I think she really likes to have her hands near her mouth, so she twists and contorts her body to get her arms out of the wrap and near her face. She also must like sleeping on her tummy, but not going to sleep on her tummy. She fusses and has a fit if I lay her down on her belly to go to sleep, which is followed inevitably by spitting up. She must be swaddled to get to sleep, but then she decides to roll over. Is an almost 4 month old supposed to roll over yet? With Jake, Ryan had to actually teach the boy to roll over when he was about 10 months old!


Lauren said...

What precious pictures! Yes, I broke down and "followed" you and put you on my blog roll. :o) Your kids are too cute, and post-bath is what Mac calls his "go run see naked" time. He runs all over the house, saying hi to whichever of us didn't give the bath, Rachael, the dog, whoever might be over at the time.

Jessica said...

That bow *IS* ginormous! I want one!