Sunday, October 5, 2008

I Love Technology...

So I spent the afternoon on the phone with a Dell technician in India today! He (supposedly) resolved our computer problems and we're back online! It turns out our computer only has 1 gig of memory, and for Vista to run successfully you need a minimum of 2 gigs. Gee, that information sure would have been helpful 2 months ago when we ordered it! I was just struck when I was on the phone with this man that I was talking to someone 7,600 miles away who was already into Monday! (It's Sunday afternoon here as I write this.) Amazing. He was also able to remotely view my computer and fix it that way. I was impressed.

I'm sick. This cold hit me very quickly and very hard. I went to bed Friday night and felt fine and woke up Saturday and felt terrible. Today was even worse with me not even remembering much about this morning, other than that Ryan said he was going to stay home from church with us. Then I went back to sleep for another couple of hours in between feedings. I feel a little better this afternoon, so maybe by tomorrow I'll be better (wishful thinking, huh?).

The weather people weren't kidding when they said it would be "cold" by the weekend. It was around 100 Wednesday, and yesterday, Saturday, it was upper 60s and rainy! Woowoo! We were all freezing of course, being used to the hot hot weather, but I loved it. I actually wore a long sleeve shirt and slippers!

Last Tuesday was train day for Master's Kids. We took the MetroLink train to Union Station in L.A. and spent a little time down there before catching the train back. We saw lots of neat "touristy" things that we normally probably wouldn't see, including the Avila Adobe, the oldest standing house in southern CA. Ryan, Warren, and Aubies came with us, and I was so glad because Warren had a great time too. Jake was so thrilled the entire week before we went on the train, and the actual day did not disappoint! It was fun for him seeing all the kids he's met in school, and he told us he was glad Warren came along too! Here are some pics:

1 comment:

Summer said...

Your weather sounds just like Montana's weather year round!