Friday, October 3, 2008

If It's Not One Thing...

It's your internet! As I write this, I'm sitting at my in-law's computer checking email because ours is busted! It seems all those ominous Windows Vista stories are true. We're having trouble with Vista which is affecting our internet. We keep getting messages that our ISP is not reading our modem, or something like that. Aargh.

Not a whole lot going on to report about. After a scorching couple of days, we're now down into the 70s, and supposedly it's going to be in the 60s this weekend - hallelujah!

So what's up with the Cubs? It was a tense time watching those ugly back to back games with multiple errors. We are, however, confident that with a days rest the Cubbies will clobber the Dodgers here in LA because after all, my hubby and his dad and our brother-in-law will be at the game Saturday to cheer them on sporting their Chicago gear. How sweet it will be watching the Dodgers go down in flames in Los Angeles and seeing the Cubs clinch the series at home!

Okey Dokey, sure hope we have our computer up and running soon. Kind of a bummer to have all those pictures pile up on my computer and nowhere to upload them to!

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