Friday, November 7, 2008

5 Months!

Here we are again, another month mark, more quilt pictures.  This past month was great with Aubrey.  She’s become quite the chatter box, more so than the boys were.  I’ve heard it’s because she’s a girl, well yeah, we have lots to say people!  She’s become very interested in her toys, still is in love with her brothers, began eating “solids”, and loves to wake up at 5:30 a.m.!  Good thing her daddy is up at that hour usually and takes her out of the room so I can get a little extra snoozin’ in, otherwise I’d be a bear.  And according to Titus, we’re to affectionately and tenderly love our kids, not be bear-like.  So, thanks hubby for entertaining Aubrey while you read and write in the mornings!

Here are some pictures of Aubrey at 5 months, and one at one week, to compare.



Can  you believe that? She’s like 7 squares big now! It wasn’t easy getting these pics, she kept wanting to curl up her legs and hold her toes.  (You were right, Lauren, much more difficult now to get good pictures now that she moves so much!) Ryan was laying at the edge of the quilt and holding her legs down until right before I snapped the picture.  Look how pink and plump she is! 

Here is a little mosaic of us goofing around with her after her “photo shoot.”


That’s all for now, the fellas are awake and the babe will be going down for her nap soon.  Have a sweet weekend!


Lauren said...

How sweet! I can't believe how fast it's going by.

Jessica said...

Oh my gosh, I can't wait to meet her now, she's so cute and fun! I miss you!

Jessica said...

Oh my gosh I can't believe how cute she is. I can't wait to see you in January!

Jessica said...

Oops, I just left 2 comments in a row...I'm retarded

Lauren said...

I totally forgot to mention, that the top right picture in the collage, Aubs is totally making a Zoolander face. Sweet. ;o)

Lindsay said...

I love you photo shoot idea of taking pics on the same blanket - it's really amazing at how fast they grow isn't it?! It's no wonder they sleep so darn much!