Monday, November 10, 2008


This is definitely a first for me, almost burning down the kitchen!  Well, perhaps it’s a little too dramatic to say I almost burned down the kitchen, but it was a start.

Here’s what happened: I have a nifty cookbook holder that my mom gave me for Christmas last year.  Usually I put whatever recipe or cookbook I’m using in it, but today I had two out, so I put the other one on the back of the stove up against the wall.  Well, in turning on the burner to get the rice going, I didn’t notice just how close the cookbook was to the open flame, until the book was on fire!  As embarrassing as this is to say, I actually starting blowing on it really hard in attempts to get the huge flame to go out!  But then my brain clicked and I grabbed it and threw it in the sink that was thankfully full of dishwater.  Yikes.  I was the only one upstairs so no one heard my scream.  In the end, the only casualty is my cookbook.  Well, and the rice water which was full of ash, but that was easy enough to start over. 

Here’s the damage:


Check out which page got the worst of the fire damage:



SMOKY Almond Chicken, get it?!

The really big bummer is that now I have to re-copy all my recipes in a new book!  Do you have any idea how long it took my to do it the first time?  Let’s just say I’m not done yet, and my mom gave this to me a couple Christmases ago. 

So I’m ok now.  My heart finally calmed down, it was racing like crazy for a while.  That’s quite enough excitement in the Trzeciak house for a while.


Lauren said...

Yikes, how scary! And how yucky that you lost your cookbook! Seriously, if I lost *the one* of mine that I actually use (since I have about 30 that I don't), the one that has all my recipes that I've developed or friends have shared with me, magazine clipped recipes that I've tried and Matthew has loved... I would be so lost, because I don't have most of the recipes written down anywhere else.

Also, I did this two separate times with potholders when I was living at home during the summer in college. My parents were kind of afraid to let me go back and be on my own again!

Jessica said...

Oh wow, what a bummer! I still have my recipe holder (exactly like yours) from mom. I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll NEVER get around to putting my chaotic pile of recipes onto nice paper in that book, so you can have it ok? Don't buy a new one, I'll keep it until January.

Lindsay said...

Oh my! Thankfully you had a sink full of water!!